Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels

Showcase: Advent Of Code

With Christmas just around the corner, it is time to celebrate the Advent of Code! In this showcase I want to give you a quick heads-up about the project. The starting date is 1st of December, but feel free to join any time you like.

Advent of Code resembles an online Advents calendar. From the first to 24th you can solve up to two programming challenges per day. There are no strict limitations or regulations regarding your approach! This means, you can keep your skills sharp while approaching Christmas or decide to learn a new language. You have to submit the (usually numeric) result of each challenge to the website. To unlock the second puzzle of each day, the solution of the first puzzle is required. Because there are unlimited possible solutions to each puzzle, you can go crazy!

If you find yourself struck on one of the harder challenges you can find help in the r/adventofcode subreddit. I also like the semi-competetive aspects of the challenge. You can compare your completion rate and eventually find yourself in the leader board! There are similar projects around which are available throughout the year. For example Project Euler and HackerRank.

I will try to solve this year’s challenges by only using Emacs and the builtin Emacs Lisp, so I hope for a good challenge! If you also take part in one of these challenges feel free to let me know your language of choice in the comments!

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